Warhammer 40k: A Highlander Tournament
This is a cropped image; the full image can be found on the novel "Fifteen Hours" By Michael Scanlon; a phenomenal Imperial Guard novel It has not come up much on this blog, as I mainly post Infinity-related battle reports for the time being, but I have a decent history with what is likely one of the most popular tabletop wargames in the world: Warhammer 40k. Over the years, I participate either as a player, judge, or tournament organizer (T/O) of numerous events in my local county-wide area. Numerous Extra-life Charity Mega-battles, doubles-tournaments, the occasional RTT (in the annuls of yesteryear for those), and a handful of escalation leagues from late 6th edition to the current 10th edition. One of the tournament formats that I truly enjoy running is one I initially threw together as a joke ruleset in 7th Edition, but it has grown over the edition with the rules changes; this tournament is known as Highlander. If you're here and only want to see the game results sp...