SSSS Battle Report: Operation: Wireshark

Disclaimer: This battle report was recorded on July 9 2023, during Infinity: The Game ITS 14.

Mission Name: Operation Wireshark
Mission: Looting and Sabotaging
Points Level: 300

So this battle report covers a game I played against someone I’ve played multiple non-infinity and a single lower-point learning games of Infinity against, but this time being the first 300-point big-boy infinity game! I cannot express how concerned I was to face him at 300 for this mission, as he is a fairly consistent tournament goer, yu jing hardliner, and someone who’s been playing the game (technically) since N2! Meanwhile, as I have owned models since N2, I only REALLY started playing within the last 6 months or so.

I had played this mission earlier on in the week as a practice mission against a different buddy. I learned in that game that the AC2 console/antenna/module is a massive #### to deal with, at least when your dice were rolling as low as mine were. Guestimating what my opponent was going bring as Yu Jing and at 300 pts, I figured I'd be running for more of a delaying game instead of being offensive, so I built my list accordingly and sent them on their way! I was (as per usual) running the Kosmoflot sectorial within Ariadna, and my opponent ended up running vanilla Yu Jing.


So with this list, it’s rather obvious what my plan was. Haris the Kosmosoldat’s with the Unknown Ranger; Core-team the Volkolak, Patcher, Rokots, and the Mekhanik for the pure 5-man joys; and then sorta just see what happens with the rest of the units. I had to bring my irmandinho’s cause i love the randomness of the booty-chart, warcor for the cheap ARO Flash Pulse, and then a… wardriver for reasons? Paid for the hacking device, cause i figured he might have some big-boy heavy infantry stomping around. And the bear made another appearance, because, well, it’s a bear and cheap.



I won the LT WIP roll-off, and chose to go with keeping deployment and had my opponent deploy first. My opponent chose to keep the first turn. I deployed on the far side of the board (shown below).

We each drew our classifieds, to which I chose In Extremis Recovery (a trooper in Engaged state with an unconscious or Spawn-Embryo enemy trooper must spend a Short Skill and succeed at a WIP+3 roll. After a successful WIP roll, the enemy trooper is removed from play). I did not LOVE this classified, but i might be able to just swap it for Secure HVT depending on how they were placed. I ended up spending a command token to remove 2 orders, BUT IT ONLY REMOVED 1! There’s some tomfoolery and counterintelligence going on here.


My deployment (from left to right):

- double irmandinhos who did not roll as well as they have in the past on the booty chart; with one rolling a 1 (+1 ARM) and the other rolling a 5 (Grenades).
- Polaris controller (Prone)
- Warcor (standing on the building)
- Bearpode (Prone; probably snoozing on the job)
- Unknown Ranger and Kosmosoldat fireteam on the small building in the back, with Ranger and my Kosmosoldat w/ PAC prone, and Specialist Op. standing on the stairs, thankfully outside of LoS/LoF of any OPFOR during deployment.
- There’s a mine (E/M Mine)
- Patcher on the ground, mekhanik on the steps, double rokot on the roof with the Volkolak on around the building on the right, all prone.

I have to weather the storm here, i figured he’d have good ranged firepower, so keep folks hidden/prone and we’ll do the ol groundhogs day of popping up and shooting aggressively in retaliation to what i presume is going to be rough start.

OPFOR Deployment:

Take a guess. I know there are some remotes (like 6) kicking around, some infantry scattered, and multiple camo tokens with i did NOT approve of (haha). I dont remember what names go to what, other than the Long Ya kinda standing out with their weird S3 camo. I may be be new, but the folks over at Tactical Awareness emphasized that they are decent for what they do, and they stand out because of that weird size with camo. Biggest other recollection i had was “if it has spines, kill it with gratuitous fire, explosives, and (occasionally) both. That Hsein warrior fit that description, so it had my attention.

Turn 1: Yu Jing

Turn 1 definitely hurt, more than I thought it would. So at the start there was movements with camo tokens. Lots and lots of movement. My warcor was able to spot one of them and discovery it to be: a beasthunter. With a PLUS ONE BURST EXPLOSIVE CC WEAPON! I was VERY concerned with this. The second token revealed to be what is now probably the common enemy im used to seeing: Major Lunah. Though prone, major lunah was able to shoot and kill one of my prone rokots on the roof, who failed her dodge with something like a 19. This rokot was also my team leader for the core team, which was mighty unfortunate. I dont remember if it was the Rui Shi advancing OR Lunah shooting that caused it, but my warcor slid down the stairs after being shot at, which sure is something. This mainly let the beasthunter move up to the building on my right flank (with my fireteam on it), super jump up onto it, and absolutely merc my other rokot, who was my LT. I am less than pleased with this. My specialist Kosmosoldat was able to see it when it jumped up to the roof though, and double-tap it (along with the unknown ranger’s AP Spitfire) and drop it before it was able to try for the volkolak. Major Lunah was also able to drop my poor turret, the thing rarely gets anything done, haha. Lots of other movement orders, mainly being for a Rui Shi, Weibing, and Liang Kai scooting up to get in more favorable positions, the Rui Shi ended up going into Suppressive fire, which I was NOT very happy about.

Turn 1: Kosmoflot

Welp, i'm starting my turn 1 in Loss of LT; lovely. Can’t say I’ve had this before, but let’s see what i can get out of it. I spend my 3 remaining command tokens (over the course of the turn) to have my Haris team turn all their irregular orders regular. Had the team activate using the Rangers TacAware, to which he jumped up, and plugged Major Lunah with his AP Spitfire, just like the last time I faced her. Only knocked her unconscious though, which is good for me needing that classified. Rui Shi fired and did not hit, thanks to the mimetism and cover. Next irregular turned regular was UKRs order, used it on the team and made the Kosmosoldat with PAC the leader, and began what ended up being a wild multi-order shoot-out between him and the Rui Shi. Ended up also using his own order here on the Kosmo w/ PAC to knock the RuiShi to unconscious 2 (thanks remote presence) and then the Weibing behind it to unconscious as well. Last order converted was for the specialist Kosmosoldat, who activated the team with UKR as leader and made some advancements to the building on the right. Warcor walked back up the steps, Irmandinhos did not really do much, bear moved to the corner of the center building, and the volkolak durdled to not get shot in his current situation, choosing to just scoot backward into a corner and watch the rest of the roof. Patcher and Mekhanick moved up and just held cover watching the AC2, retaining my holding-action for them.

End of Turn 1: AC2’s at full ST; picture of my side of the board to the right

Turn 2: Yu Jing

More orders, this time for the engineer and his little helper, and having it scoot around and inevitably get the remotes back up again. But the MVP of this turn was absolutely a single non-mimetism unit. This unit managed to do a wound to my patcher, my kosmosoldat w/ PAC, and my unknown ranger in a single activation. This unit: a Liberto. A damn 8 point sneaky boi. Either it or one of the remotes knocked my mekhanik unconscious. The Libertos also triggered my EM Mine, which did not get to do anything really after i turned the Liberto into paste. Liang Kai did some scooting around in the center building, at one point shooting and killing my poor warcor, the Hsein fighter moving around the back, and then a brief trade off between a Long Ya and my PAC Kosmosoldat, where although i lost the firefight attack rolls, my armor rolls were immaculate and he did not died. Made my saves against both the Flammenspear and the Panzerfausts was funny to me, not my opponent.

Turn 2: Kosmoflot

New LT chosen, the undamaged Kosmosoldat. He SHOULD live through the game. Had an Irmandinho die in ARO form a Long Ya with an SMG, the other one snuck around and hid in full cover, to be sneaky. We played a fun round of “where’s the bear going” and eventually had the bear engage Liang Kai, kill him, and then kinda stand there (see right). Some trade offs between the Kosmosoldat and the Long Ya that’s unloaded saw it squat down for cover (went prone). Had the Volkolak move around and trade some shots with the other Long Ya, got it unloaded, buuut the volkolak took a long nap after being laying prone for a while. Last orders used to get folks positioned to remain covering the AC2, because that sorta feels like the right thing to do.

End of Turn 2: AC2’s at full STR; board state below (Yu Jing left, Kosmoflot right)

Turn 3: Yu Jing

Biggest play was the moving of units to allow the Hsein to fight the bear without being too close, to which the bear was able to hit it with a chain-rifle (and WOUND IT) before dying to it. Hsein went and inevitably opened a Panoply, got MIMETISM -6, and then hid.

Turn 3: Kosmoflot

Mainly was the patcher moving, also opening a Panoply (tie game again) and then climbing up to get into engagement range with the unconscious Lunah, and then i was out of orders, thus ending my chance to try and attempt the classified.

End of Game:

Neither AC2 had been damaged, and each player had opened a panoply once. Neither player achieved their desired classified, nor being able to claim HVT. Tie 3 - 3.Victory points were Kosmoflot’s 182 to Yu Jing’s 170. Board state below from the Yu Jing perspective (Kosmoflot picture is super blurry)

Location: [REDACTED]; Helios System

Incident Site: Connection Facility челтәр үзәге

Incident Level: Severe
Description: Consolidated 

Analysts and SOC personnel were able to trace our network intruder to a network facility, identified as Connection Facility челтәр үзәге in the outskirts of the tartar settlement of Dalmiy, far west Ariadna main continent, along the coastline of the Cousteau Ocean. Analysts presumed the intruders were from one of the corporations sponsored by Yu Jing, if for nothing more than the vicinity of Dalmiy to the Yu Jing territories in the west. A strike team was quickly assembled and dispatched to the site.

Upon approach, there were not clear indicators of a hostile presence, the facility looked as normal as it could. Predominantly a networking hub, it also maintained the extra facilities of local housing and habitation farms for the local technicians. The only abnormal note was the lack of perimeter security, while the local technicians seemed to have boarded themselves  up. The only local security was the on-site office and a single guard, the rest were off on liberty to Dalmiy. Perimeter alarms registered unknown contact several kilometers out of the facility in the uninhabited wilderness north of Dalmiy; standard procedures dictate all local technicians be locked in the secure facilities until the warnings clear. This occurred while the team was enroute to the facility, a local Tartary Army Corps group is also enroute, but will take time to arrive due to the short staffing caused by coordinated liberty time; almost like the intruders knew about this.

The attack was lightning fast, the striketeam dispatched by Kosmoflot command was barely able to get into what could be deemed a defensive position. First casualties were the onsite security officer and her guard (Lt Radenovic and Pvt Noktopolak respectively) under her command, to which our fireteams heavier firepower dispatched both OPFOR assets that dispatched them; a close-range fighter and a long range sharpshooter. Our heavy element came under suppressive fire from enemy remotes, but they were dispatched quickly enough. Kosmosoldat MSgt Topol took command of the engagement, leading the fireteam for the remainder of the engagement. Local irmandinhos working at the facility aided the local fireteam, but not to much assistance; both PMC’s offered distraction efforts, but weren’t properly equipped to face the intruders. A local reporter attempting to trace down some leads for a recent incident was caught in the crossfire. One of the technicians disregarded the lockdown on the facility and offered their aid, to which they also perished.

The volkolak Sergeant First Class Igoryanko perished while engaging an enemy remote, both trading explosive fire before he fell, and the opposing remote asset disappearing under the cloak of camouflage. The Bearpode asset “Brannik” was able to clear the center storage building in the facility, but succumbed to wounds it received from an enemy trooper in heavy armor. MSgt Topol ordered for the sharpshooter to be taken captive, and Sgt Kafka moved to acquire the trooper.

By time the Sgt had gotten into position, the intruders had pulled into retreat. Leaving several assets dead or destroyed across the center of the facility. After the perimeter alarms showed the intruders leaving the vicinity, MSgt Topol ordered all enemy assets rounded up to be taken back to a designated point for extraction; this would allow regional Ariadna command to determine a followup recourse. Id did not taker much effort to perceive the intruders as being from Yu Jing, evidence of the remote being of Yu Jing make, and with the dispatched troopers bearing Yu Jing armor and equipment. It could be a mercenary force sent to deal with the station?

The mercenary tech Cramitz (a local wardriver that has aided Ariadnan teams in the past) was able to look around the facilities and networking equipment and determine the network intrusion wasnt remote, but a local hardware change. Someone had entered the facility, used stolen credentials, and was actually getting data from both local Ariadnan and (through a weird series of connections that a tech person would understand) Yu Jing data farms. The only newer individuals to the facility that had this sort of access were either on liberty in Damliy,, or were killed in the firefight.

Regional command is working with local Tartary command and additional contacts around the settlement.


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