After Action Report: Operation Nightsong: An Infinity N4 Battle Report

 So it's been nearly a full year since my last post on here, and a LOT has changed in life. Between my local game store closing, picking up other games like Bushido from GCT Studios, Half-Tilt from TTCombat, and Fallout Factions and Wasteland Warfare from Modiphius, I have had a load of models to work on and not a lot of time to play games.

But onto what this post is about, likely my final game of Infinity N4! I broke out the Ariadnans from the  Merovingian Rapid Response Force for possibly the last time for a while to take on my buddy Ghost00's Nomads from Bakunin. The game was a standard 300 point game using the ITS16 mission for the Direct Action Mission: Battleground; the rules for that mission can be found here. Unfortunately, I made my list with options for Frontline, cause I forgot what mission we had initially agreed upon! Obvious disclaimer for this battle report is I have not played much infinity beyond a series of demo games since easily April of 2024, so saying I need to knock the rust off before N5 is accurate.

Please note that I don't have many pictures of Turns 2 or 3, due to not much happening other than my units being pinned down and floundering to stay alive for narrative purposes. Also, for the inevitable Ghost00 battle report, the narrative forged here is my own after the fact; the mid-game banter involved the MRRF gather rations of baguettes, escargot, and other stereotypical French cuisine, while the Bakunin-ites wanted to use the baguettes for a more... "scientific" purpose. Not getting into details on that one, haha!

### Prologue ###

Supporting a research mission in an undisclosed mountainous location on Dawn, the Merovingian Rapid Response Forces of Taskforce Nightsong had been forgotten about, stuck without rotation for months long then usual. Taking turns on routine patrols of the mountains alongside the local Tartary Army Korps was getting dull, even when something interesting would happen, which was no more than usually a deer somehow getting within the perimeter, allowing the MRRF/TAK forces to compete with who could hunt it better, and then cook it better.

Squad Heathmyre from Taskforce Nightsong had some non-standard orders for the day, driving from the primary observation post up the mountain down to the basecamp to pickup supplies, this time Merovingian ration staples of escargot, baguettes, and the most pungent cheese on Dawn known to make a Dogface transform back into a human at the slightest whiff. While this would normally boost morale for the Merovingian squad, having this as an extra duty during a snow storm on the mountain isnt exactly what they wanted to do.

When Squad Heathmyre arrive at basecamp, something seemed off. The motor pool was abuzz of some of the locals trying to scramble off in a hurry. Some locals mentioned some weird beasts, part human, part something else. Another mentioned Fiddler, iconic for her time in Aristeia. Others mentioned red-armored robots, all armed. Squad Heathmyre, exhausted from their patrols, reluctantly armed up and strode into the house and depot area of the basecamp to figure out what's going on.

### The Board ###

We played using my snow map from (I think) The terrain is mostly the Darpan Xenostation set from Corvus Belli, alongside some 3d printed vehicles created by Skullforge Studios (the dropship) and nfeyma on Cults3d (the trucks, jeeps, and APC). Ghost00 brought over some 3d printed resin shrubberies to use that will definitely be seen later on when we do an Operation Sandtrap series of games!

Things we agreed upon before the game began with the central large building was inaccessible and was infinite height, giving a good LoS -blocking structure in the center of the table.

### The Lists ###

Merovingian Rapid Response Forces

I had a few different ideas going into the game tonight, mainly determining if I would lean on the Moblot Fireteam Haris and Loup Garou Fireteam Core, or a Moblot Fireteam Haris and a Briscard Fireteam Core. I inevitably went with the Moblot/Loup combo, but I sorta wished I brought the Briscards, cause a little Smoke goes a long way.

MRRF Code: 


My Moblots seemed decent out the gate, a Fireteam Haris with 2x Tactical Awareness, and solid AP Spitfire base, a medic to get him back up in case he goes down, and an engineer for classifieds, again referencing how i made a whoopsie when remembering which mission was being played. The Loup Garou core with a Viral Sniper and a cheap add-on with an Apache FTO was definitely an option that i feel like i set up for failure during deployment, but more on that later. If felt nice to have the Chasseur and Metros starting in camo, if I had remembered the mission correctly I would've had 2x minelayers instead of a Minelayer and Forward Observer Chasseur. The metro LT is the cheap fill in.

As for Wolfgang, I don't really know why I brought him along. I would've been better off with Knauf and a warcor instead to put into Group 2; but hindsight being what it is, oh well.

The goal would've been moving the Loups team forward with their rifles, x-visors and such to gain some board presence, moblots moving up a flank to be a pain, but me and murphy's law are well acquainted.

Bakunin Code:


I've faced a similar list Ghost00 had brought before, but I have never actually faced off again Nomads without it being Kosmoflot for the most part. The Sin Eater and Reaktion Zond were as prevalent as ever, alongside the Morlocks being as proficient as they could possibly be for their low points value.

The big thing I was not expecting was the pure Fireteam Core of 3x Riot Grrl, Avicenna, and Fiddler; they were definitely a thorn in both of my sides and part of my face for the entire game. Got to finally experience an opposing missile launcher that's able to hit something! I also was not expecting to fight Bran Do Castro, otherwise known during our banter as "Bran da Castrator" cause I misheard his initial name and it stuck.

Meta-chemistry for the Morlockes granted one a +3 PH and the other two Regeneration, lovely.

### Pregame Rolls and Deployment ###

Lieutenant Roll-off saw MRRF win, and I chose to keep deployment, forgetting that my opponent plays an aggressive Turn 1 with his Bakunin. Bakunin ended up deploying first and going first. Their deployment was the side with the dropship on it, the point of view seen from the board picture at the top of this article.

Ghost00 used a command token to withhold 2 models instead of 1 during deployment, leading to him withhold both the Sin Eater and the Reaktion Zond; as soon as he put them down, I was upset that I hadn't considered them.

I ended up deploying everything but Wolfgang during the initial deployment. The Moblot fireteam Haris (Zone 2 Above) and the Loup Garou Fireteam Core (Zone 3 Above) held their own separate rooftops, the sacrificial Metros with Panzerfausts took up acceptable firing positions, one looking down past the watch tower approach (Zone 4 on the far right) and the other on a walkway overlooking the dropship approach (the walkway to the left of Zone 2 above). My LT was laying prone on the same rooftop as the watchtower approach metro (Zone 4 on the Right). The Chasseurs were helping cover the watchtower approach (Skinny Zone 4 above). Wolfgang ended up being placed on the dropship approach flank (Zone 1 above), which didn't do him any good. Again, I should've brought Knauf instead.

Zone 1: WolfgangZone 2: Moblots Fireteam Haris

Zone 3: Loup Garou fireteam CoreZone 4: Metros and Cahsseurs

I don't have pictures of the Bakunin deployment, but I thankfully remember where they were! The Riot Grrl team was deployed on the far left, with two morlocke and flash-pulse bot in the tents. Both Moderators were on the small building in the center of their deployment zone, with a cenobite on the group behind the building between the building and the rear edge of the deployment zone. The Sin Eater and Reaktion Zond sat on and below the walkway on the right side (respectively) as the final Morlocke joined them on the flank.

I declared my Moblot Engineer as my Key Op for the game, and Ghost00 declared Avicenna as his Key Op for the game.

I spent 1 command token to remove 2 orders from Ghost00's Combat Group 1 for Turn 1 thinking it would save me. We'll get to that later.

### Turn 1###


Squad Heathmyre approached from the northern side of the camp as quietly as they could, but the heavier armor of the Moblots could only be muffled so much. Almost as soon as they made contact with the intruders, they were on the receiving end of  a barrage of weaponry.



It all started to fall apart in the first few orders. The impetuous nature of the Morlocke's saw them all run forward and and fling Smoke grenades, once again reminding me about Briscards inherent MSV and Knauf's MSV. This was super helpful for the fireteam to get a solid move forward on their flank. Main talking point were the move of the core fireteam up and inevitably taking out both my Moblot with AP Spitfire (which I left standing as a hopeful ARO piece) who went straight to dead as he "took a baguette to the face." The same fireteam (and missile launcher Riot GRRL) smacked my Loup Garou VIRAL sniper as well, though it only dropped down to unconsciousness.

Thankfully neither units were the fireteam leaders.

The other thing that I unfortunately allowed to happen was a sneaky camo token (the castrator) walked right up and parked himself in my deployment zone. To be fair to me, when im being asked how my BTS is and I have no idea what that camo token would be, I was expecting to get shot earlier. I did have my panzerfaust Metro attempt a Discover action, two which he found a bunch of grapes (rolled a 20), thus revealing him from his one-use camo tarp.

Sorry about the bad line, paint isnt the best, but it's all i got
MS Paint being what it is, this picture is the route Bran Do Castrator took to get into my deployment zone

Man MS Paint text is small sometimes
My Loup Garou Viral Sniper about to trade shots and get smacked (but not completely die) from a missile

My poor Moblot with AP Spitfire about to take a spicy missile to the dome

Bakunin's Round 1 left me with both of my "strikers" dead or unconscious; the enemy beater fireteam holding a flank well, the Reaction buddies (Zond and Sin Eater) holding the other flank, and I had about as many "good" plans as I have missing units... two. I have two plans. Neither of them go very well for me.

Merovingian Rapid Response Forces

So, bottom of Turn 1 and I'm effectively pinned in place except for a handful of models, namely the Chasseurs, Wolfgang, the 2 remaining Moblots, and my camouflaged metro w/ panzerfaust. I began with having my medic Moblot burn their tac-aware order and several more orders going from their building and low-crawling up to shoot their unconscious Loup Garou friend in the butt with a medi-pack, which worked wonders! The engineer Moblot jumped down and dropped into suppressive fire around the corner from Bran, afraid of why someone said "Watch out! Castrator!" The rest of Group 1 orders were spent on silly things, like spending a command token to reform my Loup Pure Core team, only to try and pick a fight with the Sin Eater. I may have rolled well, but not that well, and the Loup who liked through a missile took 2 bullets to the chest and then went to sleep for while. The Moblot paramedic, disgusted with the waste of his medicine, took up the spot the Loup had taken and went into Suppressive Fire as well with his AP Rifle.

Next up I had the minelayer Chasseur meander on over to go play with Bran, which only went so far since Bran had re-camo'd himself as the last order in Turn 1 for Bakunin. Group 2 was lighter on orders (not surprising) so he didn't really do all that much.

The Moblot Medic's route to recover the unconscious Loup Garou viral sniper

Only to have the dufus Loup Garou lose a fight to a Sin Eater

The Moblot and Loup Garou fireteam leaders fell first. Franco Heathmyer hit the deck of the storage shed he was on as some stray rounds flew overhead.

"Who the blazes is attacking us? Here? Of all the places on Dawn??"

The Moblot paramedic, the maniac she is, managed to get the Loup leader back up again, likely with a hit of morphine or adrenaline. As quickly as the Loup leaders life signs picked back up on the monitor, a quick burst of machinegun fire coincided with the monitor disconnecting.

"We need to call for backup. Maybe those damn Tartars can actually be worth a damn in this snow!"

Frano held fast, giving out orders where he could, but while not knowing who they're fighting against, he's unable to strategize well. He figured they weren't local rebels, as the firing of the Heavy Machinegun that likely took down the Loup leader didn't sound Ariadnan, something likely foreign. Mercenaries maybe? He'd have to see once this was over. 

###End of Turn 1###

End of Turn 1 definitely sees the Merovingians on the backfoot, taking some losses I wasn't expecting to take Turn 1. A this point im doubting my ability for a comeback, as I look at the table (see below), but i figure the worst that happens is I lose, right? No matter how bleak the game, I can strive for some silly outcome that will make it all worth it in the end.

###Turn 2###

Through his scope, Franco thought he could make out the silhouette of one of the attackers. Sleek armor, weaponry with a sleek design, and a completely enclosed helmet. The tinge of red alluded to possibly Nomads, but he'd never been on a deployment with them, nor did he have any information on their tactics. Another burst fired from a weapon somewhere in the facility, and more lifelines dropped off his display.

Bakunin Turn 2

Morlocke's moved up, threw smoke (just like the varangians of Kosmoflot). The morlocke running up the middle soaked up most of the orders from Ghost00's group 2. The morlocke killed the chasseur with an intuitive attack from within the Smoke template, which was a bummer.

The Cenobite moved up a bit, but the bigger play involved the fireteam playing with Wolfgang. First instance of the Riot GRRL with the Combi-rifle saw Wolfgang managed to dodge, getting a better Line of Sight on Bran da Castrator's camo token. Bran revealed, but Wolfgang for a wound, and then made the saves against my Moblot in suppression with the AP Rifle. Bran moved to fight

the Moblot, to which Bran managed to survive a critical hit with a MULTI-rifle with DA from Wolfgang (see picture to the right), and then only to manage to not kill the Moblot in melee. Wolfgang eventually died to a well placed pistol shot, and the Moblot went down to another melee exchange.

Riot GRRL with the missile launcher didn't like the cut of the medic Moblots jib, and proceeded to remove her from the combat field with a double-crit missile. Ain't no way she making 8 AP armor saves!

Further strikers down for MRRF, and I can thank very poor rolls on my part. The moblot fighting Bran needed to beat a 3 on the die. A single 3. and I rolled a two and failed my armor save.

Merovingian Rapid Response Force Turn 2

Top of my turn 2, I was at a loss of what to do. Both moblots are gone with the wind, i'm STILL pinned down as the sin eater and reaktion zond are now locking down the zone with my entire taskforce in it.

I try something silly, move the Apache FTO around the corner to see about trying a silly moving play, to which he dies to a shot from the Combi-Rifle Riot GRRL. My last Chasseur on the far right flank moved up twice, avoiding discovery due to dice rolls, and hiding out behind the watch tower.

The remaining loup garou on top of the building shuffle around, one rifleman going into suppressive, the shotgunner readjusting to cover in case anything tries to come over the ledge and play tag.

This was becoming a slaughter, Franco saw another four lifelines either flatline or disconnect. Further exchanges of fire heard across the depot. Franco peered through the partitions in the shed's roof barricade to witness the Apache of the squad go down, lifeline disconnected. 

If he managed to live through this, he would finally get sent back home, albeit not for the reasons he would want to go back home for.

###End of Turn 2###

Welp, that turn went about as good as I thought it could. At this point i'm just trying to keep my LT alive for story reasons. Colonel Kraznitsky lived through the entirety of the Shattergrounds campaign, so might as well add another character to my roster while I can.

###Turn 3###
Franco turned away from the carcass of the Apache, noticing the silhouette from the walkway has moved closer, scanning his direction with the heavy machinegun raised. He did not shoot, merely on overwatch.

Franco heard the remaining Loup Garou start praying over the commlink in hushed tones, which caught him by surprise. These Loup weren't typically the religious type, but if you believe you're going to die today, might as well get right with God while you still can, huh?

Franco started to pray along with them.

Bakunin Turn 3

A very quick turn 3. The watchtower flank approaches the MRRF lines, cenobite and morlocke working in tandem to smoke out and dispatch with Chasseur who tried to hide behind the watchtower. The Loup Garou on the top of the steps held overwatch with his viral rifle, but missed every single shot he made.

The Sin Eater and Reaktion Zond scoot forward to prepare for any sort of counterattack I may have in mind.

Merovingian Rapid Response Force Turn 3

The hidden Metro w/ Panzerfaust tries to have a hail-mary play, moving down from the shed roof to try and use his Panzerfaust to damage the cenobite, which fails as i forgot they have mimetism -6! He makes a follow up shot against the Reaktion Zond, which guns him down in kind.

MRRF concedes at this point.

Franco orders his men to stay put over the commlink after the other metro throws his life away for nothing. In the following minutes, he observes the silhouette walk back towards the other side of the depot. The dropship takes off, presumably under the control of these intruders.

Franco knows he will need to answer for this as his squad responded to the threat. Upon further inspection, the Tartar guards at the basecamp were otherwise preoccupied, while what they would not elaborate, but that is something for regional command to handle.

Franco and his remaining squad ended up pulling close-in guard duty at the observation post until their rotation outbound a few months later.

###Game in Review###

It was a fun game on the onset, but my dice in the first few interactions betrayed what little trust I allow for physical objects. That, and me deciding to not play Briscards knowing they would likely be more useful again Bakunin (at least that's what i'm thinking).

Biggest change I would have made would be bringing Knauf and a Warcor instead of Wolfgang. Extra ARO pieces would have work great, especially something with MSV and the ability to stun. I would have also, as mentioned, have 2 minelayer Chasseur instead of only 1.

Although I lost, I had a fun time. I have not played a game against Ghost00 in what seems like forever since our local shop closed up, despite a new one opening up in the recent month or two.

Going forward with Infinity, I definitely need to READ WHAT MISSION IM PLAYING better! N5 is going to be a treat, between a new ruleset and the Fast Fire League being organized for the N5 release locally. Im hoping to have some more of these battle reports for most of the games ill be playing soon.

### Coming Up ###

The next After Action Report will likely be whenever Ghost00 and I play our first game of N5 using the contents of the Operation Sandtrap box, which he was able to get early! There will be another post around that time covering the paint scheme I am using to paint the PanOceania Kestrel Colonial Force half of the box. I hope you like PanO not in blue, cause they are not going to be painted the traditional medium blue!

We might be seeing more AAR's of other games as well, as I might be getting involved in a casual slow grow 40k league, playing some Fallout games, and eventually get a game of Half-Tilt in after I build the board. But thats all for later, thanks for reading the battle report, or skipping to the end!


  1. Nice! Getting back into the swing of things is something I hope to do too. Good game!

    1. Thanks! I figure if im trying to do more with Infinity in N5, might as well get some games in while I still can!


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