Raid at Warehouse X-03: An Infinity N5 Battle Report

We're back for another rousing game of Infinity N5! This game was played on December 31 2024. This game saw me piloting a 300-point Ariadna force hailing from the Tartary Army Corps against my buddy Carlonius and a 300-point PanOceanian force hailing from the Military Orders.

This game is played on the the heels of my X-02 battle report here. I changed up a handful of things from that list as I politely asked if we could play another game where I would not have to fight a Seraph.

Today's game was played using the N5 Supplies mission. As per usual, I did not take a wild amount of pictures as my lighting situation still is not where I would like it to be, so the pictures look darker than they actually are while I am playing.

### Prologue ###

Trying to get the thought of sending the other fireteam into a Seraph, Col Kraznitsky connected to the other surveillance drone that's loitering around a field logistics center a few kilometers away. The team left out earlier in the day to get their Dynamo bikes and Vystrel to the operations area.

The radio crackled to life next to him and Kraznitsky connected his headset to it.

"The snow squall picked back up again, Colonel. It's rough to see, but we are at the perimeter." The static was rough because of the storm, regardless of how many signal repeaters they left behind them.

"Drone doesn't show anything significant, looks like you have maybe a dozen active defenders. Get the Vystrel in place and then proceed to the objectives."

"Understood Colonel."

"And lieutenant, try and make this quick. The weather isn't cooperating much better over here, and the drone is very hazy on its camera. I can get you on thermal, but its still hazy."

"Copy. Will let the bikers and mercs do what the do and we should be fine."

"Copy that; radio back in when you're RTB. I'll monitor comms from here."

"Copy Colonel." The radio clicked off.

Kraznitsky saw on the strike team get up from concealed positions and move forward. The bikers recovered their pre-place bikes, and the Vystrel moved up as well. Col Gretizky mentioned something to him while he was talking with the lieutenant, but he could not make out what he said before Gretz turned away and walked to the Quartermaster.

Kraznitsky got up to stretch, get some coffee from the camp burner, and light another cigarette as the team slowly made their approach.

"I wonder how long this drone will stay in the air. They are pretty flimsy." He muttered to himself as he lit his cigarette. Another heavy squall of wind and snow hit their trench line and command bunker.

Gretz seemed stressed as he looked at his data-pad. The comms relay assault probably was not going to plan. As Kraznitsky turned to go back to his makeshift workstation, he heard movement from the quartermaster's team; prepping the medical dugout with equipment.

He watching his own data-pad, hoping for a different outcome.

### ### ###

### The Board ###

The look familiar? It's only a slightly changed up layout of the previous bat-rep battlefield from here. Some of the firing lanes have changed up slightly, where Carlonius and I really determine the 3mm x 3mm block of silhouette needed for shooting. 

Ignore the models on the board as well, I forgot to get a picture of the board pre-deployment. Or don't, I am not your boss.

### The Mission ###

There are some things that seem off between the N5 Supplies mission and the N4 Supplies mission.

The biggest one being that having the supply boxes just being sort of sitting in the open, on the floor, and only a specialist knows where the handles are to pick it up? I'm curious why the mission was not something involving getting boxes from Tech Coffins or something, where the specialists just know how to properly touch, prod, or otherwise retrieve a box.

The lesser issue is the requirement to get the supplies is restricted to a specialist trooper, despite the box literally sitting on the floor. Make it make sense. Does the specialist have the proper training to release some Amazon-adjacent box lock keeping it on the floor?

### The Lists ###

Tartary Army Corps


This time, I broke out the Spetsnaz and triple Dynamos, as I would need to get the supply boxes and run away as quickly as possible. Group 1 would have the 2x Spetsnaz, 3x Dynamos, 2 Frontoviks and a Veteran Kazak fireteam Core, and a CoC Tank-hunter to be a cheeky camo token in case my usual cheap line Kazak lieutenant gets taken down again.

Group 2 is a slight change from before. Kept the 2x Kazaks, one as the LT and the other is now a basic kazak. They Vystrel is still in the list, which is awesome at being the portable speedbump against a faction without ready access to Smoke Grenades. Speaking of Smoke Grenades, there's 2x Irmandinho's. I except them to last all of the first turn of the game, but hopefully they will get a smoke grenade or two down to be remotely helpful for their 8 points.

Military Orders


Ah yes, the Joan Pain Train... I think? A fireteam of Joan, 3x Hospitallers, and Hawkins. Supported by 2 Dron Bots, a Raveneye, Order Sergeant, and a Tech-bee.

Group 2 though, to my surprise, has 2 units in it. a WarCor (okay), and then a Knight of the Holy Sepulchre. The Knight scares me, cause something that size with holo-echo is concerning. I've never fought this thing before, just like how previously I never dealt with a Seraph.

Overall, this is a LOT of wounds/vitality to chew through. the Joan team is all 2 Vita models; and Joan herself has pure 5-man pure core team, so the whole list of bonuses is here to play.

### Pre-Game Rolls and Deployment ###

TAK won the roll off, opting to keep initiative this time and go first. Carlonius had deployment, having me deploy first on the same side I was on int he last battle report.

Both of us use a command token to get a speedball. Military Orders spend another command token to put the Knight of Holy Sepulcher into Suppressive Fire. 

TAK Deployment

Simple and easy for me. Spetsnaz Parachutist is off the board, I have the HMG Spetsnaz on the left flank, with a Irmandinho and Dynamo Paramedic next to him. That Dynamo's Booty Roll resulting in a 9, MSV Lv 1. Not pictured is the camo tank-hunter (determined during my pre-final-drop rundown on what's out) and the Vystrel. The Tank-hunter is at the corner right next to the central Dynamo. The center force also includes the 2 Line Kazaks to the bottom of the picture.

My right flank has probably the stupidest thing I've done relating to spacing. The Vet Kazak, 2x Frontoviks, a Paramedic Dynamo and an Irmandinho all in a nice bundle. Very fortunate he doesn't have any hidden deployment missiles in his list. That Irmandinho would rill a 16 on the Booty chart, giving her a MULTI-rifle.

The Vystrel is perched up on the same building as before in Foxhole-state.

Military Orders Deployment

Unfortunately, I never grabbed a picture of the Military Orders deployment. From my perspective though:

Far left flank is held by the Knight of Holy Sepulchre and his holo-echoes, the Order Sergeant, a WarCor, and the stinkin' Sierra Dron Bot and Tech-bee. The center is held by a lone Fugazi Dron bot and Hawkins. The Right Flank is where the rest of the Joan Pain Train ended up being at, alongside the Raveneye officer, which is being played by an old Trauma-Doc, since MO no longer has them.

Deployment from my (Tartary Army Corp) perspective.
I do not have one from the Military Orders perspective.

### Turn 1 ###

Turn 1: Tartary Army Corps

Impetuous phase saw the right Irmandinho get flashpulse'd and shot with a rocket from the HRL, going unconscious but not burning after making a second save. The left Irmandinho throws a smoke grenade but dies to the Sierra Dron Bot because I did not place the Smoke template properly to block Line of Sight between us (hint: that was on purpose). 8 pts gone but now the Order Sergeant doesn't have a target. Paramedic Dynamo on the left flank zooms forward, popping more smoke uncontested due to existing smoke, blocking event MORE Line of Sight. Dynamo Paramedic on the right flank zooms forward, and fires a long-bomb smoke grenade and hits (block Line of Sight for the Fugazi Dron bot) because range bands for Snoke Grenade Launchers are decent if you can see.

Impetuous Phase over. First order is on the Veteran Haris fireteam, get the paramedic to move up and get the Irmandinho back up, and then remove the stun condition (Vet Kazak moves across the way, Engineer Frontovik stays back).The remainder of the Group 1 orders are on the Dyanmo Paramedics, who proceed to take a supply box each, get into Zone of Control of each other where I spend a command token to fireteam them, and then I run off, break the team immediately after 1 order (because I am careless and willingly waste limited resources), and they each take up positions behind 2 larger buildings in the back of my deployment zone.

Group 2 seeing the now dead Irmandinho's Irregular order get converted into a Regular order, and then the still-alive Irmandinho proceeds to sprint across the map to the final supply box. It ends a half-inch outside of silhouette contact of it.

End of TAK Turn 1, before the removal of smoke markers

Turn 1: Military Orders

Chain Rifle Irmandinho v Knight
of the Holy Sepulchre
Knight of the Holy Sepulchre is moved into Group 1. Order Sergeant tries to play games with the Vystrel, and immediately regrets it as he gets hit with a PAC round to the chest. The Knight actives next, moves forward, and here's where we make an error. The Knight has to declare a Cautious Move to get past one of the few lines the Vystrel could draw on the Knight with. What myself and my opponent didn't read, however, it hos Cautious Movement doesn't cancel the Holo-echo state, but I don't know if that needs to only get 1 of the holo-echoes over, or all of them to qualify for cautious movement/

Anyway, the Knight proceeds to move up, picks a fight against the Irmandinho. Irmandinho fires a
chain rifle at the Knight, managing to strip a wound off of it! But the Irmandinho dies to gratuitous lead. What also happens is a camo token reveals for my Spetsnaz with HMG. Which does nothing significant with his reveal.

The next 2 orders are spent eventually killing the Spetsnaz. The Knight continues to rock on forward, eventually settling in the corner by the containers. Last few orders are on Suppressive Fire and going back into Holo-echo state.

The Joan Train moves a little bit to take shots at my Frontovik paramedic and the Dynamo in the center, both dodge without harm being done.

End of Turn 1

### ### ###

The thermal imaging from the drone was still hazy, but Kraznitsky was able to make out his strike team in the facility. Several thermal signatures we're noted as falling off, unfortunately several for his own strike team.

Team comms indicated both Irmandinho mercs lost contact on the left flank, alongside the Spetsnaz operative on that flank. The two dynamo field medics were able to get their two identified target containers, while the Irmandinho's seemingly failed to gather their one.

The Vystrel proved to be quite proficient in overwatch, especially from the vantage point the team got it to; able to keep the right flank pinned down from an approaching strike team.

The left flank had something odd happening on it though, he noticed. Something... shimmering. Almost like there's some kind of localized interference with the video feed. He switch the view source from thermal, to Active IR and the interference was still the same.

"They must have a specialist at this warehouse." he muttered, sipping his drink again.

He switched the feed source back to thermal, then back to Active IR again, another wave of snow was coming in, heavier than before.

"They need to exfil soon or they wont make it back here before we leave." he muttered. "We cant hold back too long or we'll be stuck here even longer." Kraznitsky puffed his cigarette, looking over to Gretizky, who was talking into his own radio. Sounds like his team is RTB.

The snowfall started getting heavier, thicker snowflakes, and faster wind gusts.

### ### ###

### Turn 2 ###

Turn 2: Tartary Army Corps

Immediately call down speed balls. Vita-pack fails to land next to the Vet Kazak. Other one (Overkill) lands next to the central Dynamo. Impetuous phase waived.

The entire turn's worth of orders is setting up some smoke, and then using the Veteran Kazak to trade for a single vita-wound on Joan. He does need to run off to get the vita-pack at one point at least, so that eats a few orders.

Spetsnaz Boarding Shotgun does not parachute in.

Turn 2: Military Orders 

Hospitaller (Right) needs to lose 
his medical license
We start off strong with straight speedballs; Vita-pack landing next to the Knight holo-echoes, and then an Overkill by the Joan team. 

Then into Joan, coordinated order to move people around. Fireteam reforms at the end of the order after
Hawkins is moved up with them. Knight moves as part of Coordinated Order to get the vita-pack and heals. Joan team continues to move, Joan stepping out and the Dyanmo dodging as she does. The Hospitaller becomes the Fireteam leader, got to slice that pie for the Vystrel, and takes one to the chest, failing 2 saves eventually and going down. Doctor tries to get him back up, but fails.

Joan's turn, move up and try to fire at the Vestryl, eventually fails a wound, and dropping down to NWI. Then, in the most shocking turn of events, the Hospitaller Doctor tries to get Joan out of NWI, but he rolls both dice (with a cube reroll) and rolls 2x 20s.

Carlonius concedes there, as the Knight of Holy Sepulcher will likely have an issue handling the rest of the list. Not to mention his Hospitaller would likely accidentally give everyone the wrong medicine in case of a boo-boo.

### End of Game ###

Tartary Army Corps controls 2 Supply Boxes (2 Objective Points per supply box) and controlled more Supply Boxes than Military Orders for 2 Objective Points.

Military Orders controlled one supply box for 2 Objective Points.

Tartary is victorious with 6 Objective Points over 2 Objective Points for Military Orders. Tartary had 245 victory points to Military Orders 202 Victory Points. 

### ### ###

Kraznitsky sat in confusion of what he witnessed. The two Dyanmo riders clearly have two of the target crates, with the third somehow moved close to the strike teams entry point. Considering it was nearby that shimmering anomaly on the Active-IR, he figured it was an opposing operator. He saw that the defending operators, having lost some man-power, were falling back to better prepared positions, likely expecting this to be a full assault.

The veteran members of the team, being the Sr. Sergeant and the Frontoviks, laid down suppressing fire on anything that moved as the Dynamo riders rode out of the facility, making a bee-line for the previous positions the held. One Dynamo rider managed to somehow recover the body and equipment of the Spetsnaz operator and get him out of the facility. The Irmandinho's, thankfully known mercenaries around these parts, should not have a significant indication that their forces were the ones conducting the raid of the supply facility.

Kraznitsky took another sip of his drink, drag on his cigarette, and felt accomplished as his team exfiltrated, with at least some of the supplies successfully gathered. What was in them was unknown, other than it's likely items their current FOB could use while waiting for a proper resupply.

"My team's on their way back Grets. What's the status of yours?"

"They're RTB as well, heavy casualties. Medical is ready to take them in and prepare them for the journey back."

"I sure hope these supply crates have medical supplies in them. Lord knows we need more of the advanced things above bandaids, gauze, and medical tape."

"Sure hope so too. That TAG on the relay site sure was a surprise to see. At least some of the troopers are coming home." Gretizky took a long drag of his cigarette, expending the rest of it and pulling a new one out of the crinkled up packet in his breast pocket. "We're now down some more junior enlisted Kraz. Hope your knees are feeling up to more patrols again."

Kraznitsky squatted down, his knees popping slightly as he dropped down and sprung back up. "I may be older than most here Gretz, but we both know we can run patrols fine. The problem will be if command decides the senior officers get to go on long reconnaissance again. That knocked us both down for weeks! Your bones popped like corn kernels longer than mine did!"

"Yeah they did, still got me messed up too. I should've been out there at the relay, but instead, here I am. Watching the team struggle against a TAG that those PanO folks decided needed to be up at this relay tower in the middle of nowhere."

"We could be worse off though Gretz. Murphy could still show up to spoil the party."

A perimeter alarm sounds off in the form of a mine, then another. Further up the mountain road, beyond where their encampment is. The radio crackles to life, the scouts and Streloks up the road had a mishap, one of the antipodes a Strelok had triggered one of the mines while patrolling.

"You were saying Kraz?" Gretizky stood up, put his headset on his neck and grabbed the rest of his gear. "I know you're really trying to look at the better side of this Kraz, but it's pissing me off. Pack up your gear and get it on the truck. Since tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum up there cant tell the difference between a rock and a landmine, there's no sense in sticking around here too much longer." Gretizky took another drag on his cigarette. 

"Do what ya gotta do Gretz. I'll keep an eye on the drones are they RTB. The things will hopefully make it back here, durable little things."

Gretizky strode out of the tent, pack on one shoulder and rifle in hand. Kraznitsky could see the guilt and frustration on that mans shoulders as he walked out of the bunker. Hopefully the New Bay will have a fresh cycle of troopers coming in soon.

### ### ###

### Post Game ###

This fight was definitely more my speed, as I have a soft spot for infantry vs infantry games, unless both players bring TAG(s). Not 100% sure why, but I think it has something similar to do with how I play other games.

For sure, the Fireteam changes are being seen more and more in each game, losing the +1 Burst to +1 Special Dice hurts, but so does the loss of +3 Ballistic Skill. I see myself in the last few games (and a few more upcoming ones) that I am looking more for a Haris fireteam and a 3-man Core fireteam as my goal, as the +1 Dodge and +3 Discover are great to have.

Still continuing to play TAK though, have had a few thoughts about giving a Kosmoflot list a shot, but I always go back to the "but you haven't tried a camo-heavy TAK list yet" thought and I try to slowly add more camo into a list somewhere. I'm not 100% on running an all Camo skew-list, as the last time I did it I kept getting confused on what was a mine and what wasn't, minelayer is definitely something and shell games aren't on my top-end of playstyles.

I have 3 more battle reports in the pipe to type up and edit. All being either <150pt or 150pt learning games with Connor played at the last N4 battle report I played. More on those later though. I also have Connor back for yet another game of Infinity soon, this time a 300 point game!

Catch y'all next time!


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