The Tales of Blue-Ridge Part 1: Ariadna (TAK) vs Haqqislam (RTF): An Infinity N5 Battle Report

Today we have the first game in what I am calling "The Tales of Blue Ridge," which follows the continuing career of Colonel Kraznitsky as he has various encounters on the planet Shinju. This will just be the moniker I call my normal games that don't take place within a narrative or learning series of games of Infinity N5.

This game is a pseudo-learning game between myself and a local named Darren. This is one of Darren's mere handful of games that's trying to introduce him to infinity, where I tell him beforehand that I will likely bring up rules and stuff that he hadn't experienced prior, as his prior experience to this point was also running through the "operation" style games like Operation Bone-Rustler Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

Big things we touch on here is fireteams. Darren did not want to use fireteams himself, but I was determined to introduce this key part of the game, since even now there are more than just Fireteam Duo's within the "Generic Roster" for every army. We discussed other things such as command token spending, rules such as Total Reaction, and even the little shenanigans behind discovering and camo tokens!

Note: This game was played on January 18, 2025. This was also played over the course of a few hours as I was also running a 40k Highlander Tournament at the same time.

### ### ### Prologue ### ### ###

Colonel Kraznitsky found himself staring off into the void again, that thousand yard stare a seasoned veteran grows in to. He was sitting in yet another meeting he did0'nt want to be involved in; where he was there more to "show support" than to actually participate. He only knew this meeting was relating to some sort of supply request from O-12 maybe? A supply request from some other entity that would see if come from off-world.

"Colonel Kraznitsky. What are your thoughts on this matter?" The monotone, robotic voice gestured to him. It reminded him of his time on Concilium during the whole debacle that left him sequestered to Okolnir operations.

"My thoughts on this matter wont change the decisions my counterparts have declared. We need the supplies for our efforts." He replied. The look he receive from a member of the Kosmoflot detachment, Sergeant Kryznitz, was a neutral response. A mix of approval and concern that the Colonel wasn't taking this as serious as he should.

"Pardon me Colonel, are your thoughts elsewhere? We had transitioned from discussing supplies to mutual efforts in securing the routes to facilitate this supply request."

"For logistics planet-side, we can provide what support is needed, but I would advise that a more detailed plan be submitted to Greystoke for approval and planning. For off-world, I would suggest discussing with our Kosmoflot comrades." He gestured to Sgt Kryznitz and his leadership on their portion of the table. "And my apologies for being scattered, these last few months have been hard surviving on this planet."

"Understood Colonel, thank you for the input."

The meeting continued on, discussing the appropriation of supplies and what is for efforts within Greystoke and the rest of Ariadnan operations on Shinju. The biggest talking point of note was the mention of getting Ariadnan support on various occasions on Shinju, but it was vague enough to not concern many in the room, outside of those like Kraznitsky and Kryznitz, and others who typically fulfill combat roles.

Just as the meeting concluded and the representatives were departing, alarms triggering across the small remote facility.

"Colonel, get to the armory, we have a problem!" Sgt Kryznitz yelled from down the hallway, sidearm drawn and running full gait towards the armory.

He broke into a surprising sprint. "What's going on Kryznitz? I thought this facility was "secure and tucked away?"" He felt a tinge in his right knee, and something felt off, but he'd have to look at that later back at Blue-Ridge.

"Don't know yet, I just know our birds reported some weird heat sigs coming in from the north. We don't have any known patrols coming out of here, at least not right now. The Rangers would normally be here, but they rotated out a few days back after we moved in for this meeting." Kraznitsky and Kryznitz hit the armory and found the rest of the security detail within, gearing up, putting on whatever armor was present.

After a few minutes, there was a heavy clanging coming from down the hallway. "You in there Kraz? Look what I found!" It was Gretizky; who was supposed to be back at Blue-Ridge recovering from a shoulder injury, but he's more stubborn than getting an antipode who needs to brush its teeth. Most of the security detail had already left the armory, except for the handful of operatives staying behind with the Colonel.

"What in the world did you find out there?"

The clanging got louder.

"I see they made some space for my rig." Gretizky poked his head into the armory, and by that he mainly just blocked the doorway with a suit of Ratnik armor. "Time to play with this again!"

"Alright Gretz, you're with me and Krynitz here." He finished securing the shin-guard for his armor and he slid on his helmet.

The radio crackles to life on the trio's earpieces.

"Lets see who wants to play."

### ### ###

### ### ### The Board ### ### ###

The usual terrain from Corvus Belli and Wargames Tournament. This time though, we are using 2 of the Operation Blackwind game mats, which is the right size for a 250 point game. Only complaint is that they're super glossy/reflective for pictures, so this picture isn't really the best.

### ### ### The Mission ### ### ###

We're playing Uplink Center, albeit it's using the N4 rules for it at the time.

### ### ### The Lists ### ### ###

Tartary Army Corps


My thoughts on this list are  mainly focused on 2 fireteams, a Dynamo Duo to show Impetuous orders, and a Veteran Haris between the 2x Veteran Kazaks and the 112 FTO. That was ruined when I scrolled down and was reminded that Veteran Kazaks are wildcards, and the Ratnik can have friends. So day of that changed. The Haris would ideally show off at least the basics of a fireteam, how the "Purity" level works and applies to the models on the team, how teams are formed, etc. 

I was also looking to introduce Darren to Total Reaction through the Kuryer; as something for him to consider as he grows his collection a bit.

I will admit that bringing a Ratnik was likely not the best call here, but I just finished building it and I wanted to bring it out. I was also, admittedly, in a little bit of a tournament mode preparing for the "Fight for February" ITS event.

Ramah Task Force


I will note, Darren's available model collection for Infinity is small, as I gave him a bunch of excess models I had a while back, mainly being the Haqqislam half of the Operation Red Veil box, and various single packs I had sitting around like the Janissary listed above. He's adamant about learning how to properly identify his own models, and attributing the rules to them, which is a completely reasonable thing to do. Especially as someone getting into Infinity.

My thoughts on the list, however, are a little different. My biggest concern is the Al Fasid, the Ratnik-equivalent that I'll be fighting here at some point. Other than that, there's the Khwarij w/ MK12, MSV2, and NCO that I know is a workhorse, as that specific specialist profile hasn't changed much since I tinkered with an idea for my own Ramah Taskforce models in N4; Khwarij as a whole gained some fun stuff in N5 though, and I am aware of what they have.

There are a few clear beaters in this list I would need to address, being the Khwarij, Zhayedan, and Al Fasid, in that order if possible.

### ### ### Pregame Rolls and Deployment ### ### ###

TAK wins LT roll-off, keep initiative. RTF has me deploy first on the side I am standing on. TAK spends 1 Command Token for a speedball. RTF spends 2 command tokens: 1 to reduce my Group 1 order pool by 2 regular orders, and 1 to put the Zhayedan in Suppressive Fire

Haris fireteam declared for the Ratnik, Veteran Kazak (AP HMG), and Veteran Kazak (T2 Rifle) as a Ratnik Fireteam with the two Veteran Kazaks as Wildcards.

Duo Fireteam declared for the two Dynamo's as a Dynamo Reg. Fireteam.

Deployment Zones

### ### ### Turn 1 ### ### ###

Turn 1: Tartary Army Corps

Impetuous phase sees the Dynamo Duo team advance forward. Vita-pack and the other rolls to auto-repairs. Vita-pack lands as desired next to the Ratnik, Auto-repairs failed to land next to the Konduktor, so it hugs the deployment zone line to his rear.

Haris team activates, the Ratnik grabs the Vita-pack and spends an order or two playing with the Zhayedan until the Zhayedan is fallen. 

The Haris team activates again twice over, this time having the Ratnik trade shots with the Janissary. A last order is spent on the team to do some repositioning.

The Dyanmo Duo activates after the janissary is removed, and they advance up to the Communication Antenna on my left flank, paramedic as the team leader. In another order I have the Antenna under my control. Last few orders are spent with the Dynamo's pulling a tactical retreat back while the non-specialist Dyanmo with her Panzerfaust tries twice (and only successfully once) to tag the rear of the Al- Fasid, who is about a quarter-inch away from his nearest source on intervening cover. The Al-Fasid goes down to unconscious, and that is the end for Group 1.

Konduktor uses the orders from Group 2 (spent a command token to borrow the WarCor order) to collect the Auto-repair and run off towards the Kuryer. 

Turn 1: Ramah Task Force

3 orders down out of a 9 order list is rough. The Khawarij starts things off moving forward, only to get lasered from the WarCor. Next up is Yara Haddad, who walks forward and uses her LT order and a regular order to eventually drop the Veteran Kazak on the building down to NWI and he drops prone.

The remaining orders are spent on the Ghulam Doctor on my far right flank, who stays prone and move up and eventually brings the Al Fasid back alive again.

### ### ### Turn 2 ### ### ###

Turn 2: Tartary Army Corps

No Casualties, awesome. I send the Dynamos up on their Impetuous phase, trading shots against Yara Haddad with a SMG. Yara would shot and kill off the non-leader dynamo with that Shock ammo on her Heavy Pistol, cause Dynamo's aren't Shock immune after all. The Ratnik Haris would activate next, Ratnik as the Leader, and it advances forward and guns down Yara Haddad with the gratuitous firepower of an AP Spitfire (+1B). RTF Lieutenant down. The Haris ends it's final order in silhouette contact with both the central tech-coffin with the Ratnik AND the Comm Antenna on my left flank having the Veteran Kazak (T2 Rifle).

Remainder of my orders will go to the remaining Dynamo who zooms around my opponents deployment zone, trying (and failing) to hurt the Al Fasid or Ghulam Doc. The Ghulam actually causes a wound in ARO against the Dynamo, putting him down to Dogged.

My Tankhunter tries to move, gets discovered, and lives through the shots he takes. Nifty.

Group 2 orders would see the Konduktor using both orders (WarCor's Irregular order converted via Command Token) and getting up to stand next to the Kuryer, who has done nothing more than sit there and be scary.

Turn 2: Ramah Task Force

Starting off Loss of LT, and not having optimal options available for what to do as there's the Ratnik Haris sitting around the corner, RTF elects to concede. This was partially due to the situation on the table, and we were running out of time before we needed to vacate the table we were on.

### ### ### End of Game ### ### ###

Tartary Army Corps has 7 Victory Points.
    - 2 Victory Points for having a single Activated Communication Antenna
    - 1 Victory Point for controlling a single Communication Antenna
    - 3 Victory Points for controlling the Tech-Coffin
    - 1 Victory Point for having an Active Lieutenant

Ramah Task Force has 1 Victory Point:
    - 1 
Victory Point for having an Active Lieutenant

End of Game Board State

### ### ###

The response teams efforts were swift and effective, likely catching the intruders by surprise. Gretizky was heard on and off of comms cackling as his hastily acquire suit of Ratnik armor kept him safe as he sauntered forward towards the intruders.

After a handful of them retreated back into the wood-line, the security detail took a headcount and began to carefully investigate the intruders, who wore the garb of fighters from Haqqislam.

"Why are these boys and girls playing out in the forest up here instead of literally anywhere else on this planet?" Asked Kryznitz as he gathered some of the loose medical supplies one of the troopers had on them.

"A good question indeed. I don't recall any joint efforts with them right now, especially not out here in the sticks. It'll be something to just report and see where it goes." Kraznitsky replied as he peeled off one of the armor plates on his torso. He took a gnarly hit that was only barely stopped by his armor.

"What's worse" Gretizky interrupted "is having to explain why two of the recon bikes are all banged up. At least that 112 is able to get the riders patched up."

"Yea, that would be a concern if those weren't the ones we brought, Gretz."

Gretizky didn't acknowledge Kraznitsky's response, as he was trying to get a good handhold on the suit of intruder power armor to bring inside. "What's the plan with this thing?"

"We take the body out, let local command know about this intrusion and let them handle it. I would imagine a return of corpses and "vital" equipment, i.e. that suit of armor. You know their practices are different than ours for their dead."

"Ah, well I'll just leave this out here until the techies can ensure things are turned off, like this." Gretizky ripped what looked like a microphone off the armored suit and crushed it in his gauntlet. "But I bet this fancy camera can get us something fun."

The security detail ended up assisting the local medical personnel with preparations of the dead, mainly body bags and ensuring an accurate count was sent up to regional command. Review of the camera data from the power armor showed the team willing bypass the various "no trespassing" signs, destroying the occasional perimeter sensor, but with no translator present, there was no indication as to why there were here.

The security detail would eventually rotate out within a week, returning to Blue-Ridge to conduct repairs and prepare for their next sortie.

### ### ###

### ### ### Post Game ### ### ###

So this game was long enough ago that Darren has gained a plethora of new models, and gotten multiple game in against more local opponents. He's still getting a better handle for the game, but he's definitely getting a better grasp when he has to play missions that are outside of Direct Action, and on boards of varying terrain densities.

For me, this was another setup game of learning to teach the basic rules interactions, alongside showing off rules that are new to the edition, and rules that Darren hadn't actually experienced before, such as fireteams and speedballs.

### ### ### Wrap-up ### ### ###

So I'm writing finishing this edit in late February, it's been a wildly busy month between 2x ITS events, the practice games leading up to those, and then everything else in life keeping me very busy. With my next ITS event being way out in May, I'm hoping to get these batreps out a lot quicker. This is one of 6 parts I have for Tales of Blue Ridge, so we'll figure out how this goes.


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