
Showing posts from February, 2025

The Tales of Blue-Ridge Part 1: Ariadna (TAK) vs Haqqislam (RTF): An Infinity N5 Battle Report

Today we have the first game in what I am calling "The Tales of Blue Ridge," which follows the continuing career of Colonel Kraznitsky as he has various encounters on the planet Shinju. This will just be the moniker I call my normal games that don't take place within a narrative or learning series of games of Infinity N5. This game is a pseudo-learning game between myself and a local named Darren. This is one of Darren's mere handful of games that's trying to introduce him to infinity, where I tell him beforehand that I will likely bring up rules and stuff that he hadn't experienced prior, as his prior experience to this point was also running through the "operation" style games like Operation Bone-Rustler Part 1 , Part 2 , and Part 3 . Big things we touch on here is fireteams. Darren did not want to use fireteams himself, but I was determined to introduce this key part of the game, since even now there are more than just Fireteam Duo's within th...

The Patuxent Prime: An Infinity ITS Event Recap

On February 22nd, myself and 18 other Infinity players in the local region all converged on the local game store around me to attend our first ever home-grown ITS tournament, known as the Patuxent Prime! This is the first of hopefully many local ITS events that we host down this way. My buddy Ric/Ghost00 was the WarCor organizing the whole affair, which let the player pool be wider than if anyone else locally decided to try and run an event. The mission set for this list was set to actually have players have to think about a mission with objectives that are deeper in thought than "remove enemy units better than they can." The mission set was: Round 1: Unmasking Round 2:  Frostbite Round 3:  Mindwipe In usual fashion, we have prepared 2 lists to use between the missions; to which my lists will be displayed further below, with a little insight on each one. All of these events are using the ITS 16-2 missions here . Below are the tables the we had. We did have a bye-round, where...

Operation Bone-Rustler Part 4: Gamma Team: An Infinity N5 Battle Report

So today we see the final part of Operation Bone-Rustler! Unlike the first 3 parts, this is a full-on 300pt game. This will see the forces of the Tartary Army Corps led by Colonel Kraznitsky clash into the forces of the Shindenbutai in the central hub of the research facility. With this being the final game at 300 pts, there's really no restriction to the force org we're using unlike the last few missions, this is seen below during the list info. ### ### ### Prologue ### ### ### Col Kraznitsky's small flight of Pelicans flies down to pre-determined landing zones just outside to central hub of the facility. "Here's you go Colonel. Radio back when you're ready for evac." the pilot told the Colonel over the radio. "Will do Captain, keep the flight nearby in case anything heavier pops up. Remember, while we're here for our mission for, if any civilian vessels leave the AO, we cannot pursue. Copy?" "Copy Colonel." The Colonel watched as ...

The Fight for February: An Infinity ITS event Wrap-up

If you've been following the blog for any modicum of time, you would know I most post blog-posts for battle reports for Infinity. Well, one aspect of Infinity I have not been able to indulge myself in has been the tournament system; the Infinity Tournament System (ITS) to be precise. On February 1st, myself and two Infinity buddies (Connor and Ric) drove all the way up to Westminster Maryland for the first ITS for us this year, The Fight of February! The game store was one I haven't been to yet, but would soon see all the gloriously painted models that are on the shelfs at this store (that i took precisely zero pictures of). This is Bazooka Games, formerly known as Tables & Towers. The gist for this event, is mainly that we have 3 game rounds, playing the following missions in order Round 1: Battlegrounds Round 2: Firefight Round 3: Uplink Center We will have to have crafted at most 2 lists to bring along to this event. Mine are listed in a little bit. Players will be a...